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(480) 985-7070
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Our Philosophy of Care

At Infinite Healing Center, our philosophy of care revolves around empowering individuals to take an active role in their well-being through personalized treatments, education, and compassionate support, fostering a holistic approach to health and healing.
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Four Vectors of Health

In our day-to-day lives we come across a variety of challenges that push our mind and body to defend and overcome. The Infinite Healing Center has structured and designed its treatment plans based on what we believe are the four main challenges that pull us away from our center of true health. When we are in our true health we are vibrant, energetic and free from disease and illness. At some point in our lives we were in perfect balance of health and wellness. This may have been at a very young age but ever since our body attempts to find that equilibrium.
The Infinite Healing Center defines the need for recovery and balance in four major categories:
Pollution, vitamin insufficiencies and irregular eating habits cause our system to breakdown which leads to disease.
On a daily basis we deal with the stresses of life and though we can never get rid of them we can control how our body responds by reducing our state of stress, fears, and mental roadblocks.
The physical stress of modern life creates imbalances in our structure Correction of our physical body's misalignments and weaknesses allow for proper function and health.
Harmonizing our energy flow from our ethereal body and the environment allows clarity and the flow of Chi to occur which supports our healing processes.

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A doctor and two nurses discussing a chart together

Our Integrated Approach

At the Infinite Healing Center we base our approach to health and healing with a few basic beliefs which guide our identification of injury and illness and ultimately directs us to the best methods of helping your body recover.

The first basic principle is that we are designed and created to be healthy. The second is that our bodies' inborn intelligence and ability to heal, far surpasses the capability and knowledge of any and all physicians combined. It is when our body can no longer adapt to a stress load that the human body breaks down and the onset of injury and disease begins.

The diagnosis of a condition does NOT identify the reasons as to why the body cannot adapt and self-repair. In order to get better results we need better information about you the client. We (as doctors) must ask better questions and perform better testing to reveal what factors are contributing to the eventual symptom. At the Infinite Healing Center we take the approach of examining the small details that add up to the sum of a health condition. This way we can choose which treatment may best impact your body's healing ability.
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At Infinite Healing Center, we are fully dedicated to providing solutions to address your unique needs. This personal care is why people throughout the Mesa area come to Infinite Healing Center.
Opening Hours
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday (Massage Only)
9:00 am - 01:00 pm
Contact Details
2509 S. Power Rd # 115 Mesa, AZ 85209
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